BEC Industry Visit: Cultivating a Sustainable Future – The Harbour School(只有英文版本)

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Event Time
14:45 - 17:00
The Harbour School
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Education for sustainable development plays an essential role in creating a more sustainable future particularly in K-12 education. BEC is excited to invite you to an industry visit to The Harbour School (“THS”), an international school catering to students from Prep to Grade 12, on 19 May (Friday). THS is  a pioneer in advocating for a whole-school approach to sustainability education and operation. Participants will visit THS’s campuses and its three Centres of Excellence – Marine Science Center, The Black Dolphin and The Foundry. Additionally, THS is implementing ECF The Seaweed Initiative to raise awareness of sustainable aquaculture and innovation on macroalgae.

Visit Highlights
•    Marine Science Center - a teaching and research facility that offers a hands-on learning experience on marine animals (e.g. coral, tropical fish, jellyfish, etc.) and eco-systems in Hong Kong. It is the first-of-its-kind in a school in Hong Kong
•    The Black Dolphin - a 50-foot wooden ketch that serves as THS’s outdoor classroom and a sailing platform for marine biology, mathematics, oceanography, navigation, ecology, art and much more. Participants will visit The Black Dolphin in the sea by boarding the sampans
•    The Foundry - purpose-built makerspace, a learning environment designed to encourage students to build, experiment and prototype inventions as they engage deeply in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics
•    ECF The Seaweed Initiative - an ECF funding project aiming to introduce and promote how seaweed plays an important role in sustainable development and the future food system, as well as to raise people’s awareness of the sustainability and innovation of seaweed farming and seaweed-based products like bioplastics and plant-based protein