BEC Members Visit: HK International Airport(只有英文版本)

30 participants joined the visit and learned from the Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) successful green management approach.

This visit began with two presentations, the first by Mr John Lamond, General Manager, Safety, Security, Business Continuity and Environmental. Mr Lamond gave an overview of HKIA and introduced some of the latest developments and outlined their future plans.

HKIA is committed to its long-term sustainable growth and the sustainable development of Hong Kong. In the second presentation, Mr Martin Putnam, Environmental Manager, introduced three major environmental management work focus areas in the HKIA: local air emissions, carbon reduction and waste management.

Participants visited some of the restricted areas in HKIA. These include green features and facilities in the airside and landside namely, the Integrated Airport Centre, Electric Vehicle operating area, Fixed Ground Power and Pre-conditioned Air systems, Waste Water Treatment Plant and Landside Waste Station. HKIA explained how they achieve a continual green performance improvement by complying with a high environmental standard in their daily operations.

Special thanks to HKIA for their generous support and hosting a good lunch. As the event was oversubscribed, BEC will re-run this visit in the near future. Details will be announced on our website very soon.