Sustainable Urban Development and Biodiversity Conservation - Northern Metropolis Field Trip

Event Date
28 April 2023
Event Time
12:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Northern Metropolis
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Implementing a proactive conservation policy to create environmental capacity is one of the key directions in the government’s Northern Metropolis Development Strategy. To facilitate the business community to understand the relationship between sustainable urban development and biodiversity conservation, Business Environment Council (“BEC”) and World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong (“WWF-Hong Kong”) will jointly present a field trip to Northern Metropolis on Friday, 28 April 2023.


By visiting selected locations within the boundary of Northern Metropolis, this field trip aims to define the importance of nature’s contributions to urban infrastructure planning and development towards a liveable city, and to identify challenges and opportunities throughout the development. Participants can not only understand more about how the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands can contribute to nature-based solutions for the benefit of people and nature, but also exchange ideas with experts, professionals and the business community.


Visit Highlights



Long Valley (塱原)

-    Overview of the Long Valley Nature Park (塱原自然生態公園) Project

-    Relationship among farming, ecosystem and human activities

-    Development of Kwu Tung North (古洞北)

Ma Tso Lung (馬草壟) /

Hoo Hok Wai Lookout (蠔殻圍)#

-    Concept of Wetland Conservation Park

-    Fishpond operations

-    Introduction of San Tin Technopole (新田科技城)

Mai Po Fishpond (米埔魚塘)

-    Fishpond and freshwater ponds highlight and operations

-    Challenges and opportunities faced by private fishponds

-    Real life case study of wetland restoration and sharing

Mai Po Nature Reserve

-    Introduction of Mai Po Nature Reserve conservation work and management

-    Gei Wai Mursem (基圍博物館): Introduction of Gei Wai

-    Floating boardwalk and birdhide: Boardwalk experience and observation on mangroves and intertidal mudflats

-    Wetlands and climate resilience discussions

# one of the proposed Wetland Conservation Parks (WCPs) in Northern Metropolis