BEC Technical Visit – Pathways to Sustainability: Unveiling Energy Efficiency Strategies in the West Kowloon Cultural District

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West Kowloon Cultural District
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Join BEC for a technical visit to the renowned West Kowloon Cultural District on 8 December (Friday). Immerse yourself in one of the world’s largest cultural projects, seamlessly blending art, education, open space, hotels, offices and residential developments, and retail, dining and entertainment facilities.

With a strong focus on sustainability, the West Kowloon Cultural District has successfully implemented practical and affordable green initiatives to achieve three key objectives: low-energy consumption, low-carbon emissions and low-cost maintenance. Notably, the installation of a District Cooling System (“DCS”) brings significant environmental benefits compared to traditional, individual fresh water-cooled chiller systems. 

Join us to learn about how the West Kowloon Cultural District achieve outstanding energy efficiency through its green building design and district operations.

Visit Highlights

•    Gain insights into the district’s development, green design and unique sustainable features 
•    Step inside the cutting-edge District Cooling System plant room at M+ Museum
•    Delve into the chilled water plant room at Hong Kong Palace Museum
•    Explore the captivating Art Park



8 December 2023 (Friday)


3:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.



WKCDA Tower, West Kowloon Cultural District, No. 8 Austin Road West, Kowloon [map]





HK$180 for BEC members

HK$360 for non-BEC members

Limited seats are available, please submit your registration on or before 24 November to secure your spot! To allow more organisations to join, each organisation can register for a maximum of 2 seats while the third and any additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list. For enquiries, please contact BEC at or 2784 3924.